To get the game to work in OpenGL and your desired widescreen resolution, you need to first run it in software mode, to set your desired video settings (details, etc). By default, it should run in software mode. This is fine, because this is the only mode where the game doesn't crash when trying to change video settings (texture memory, more precisely, crank that thing to max). If the game doesn't want to run in sw mode by default, do it yourself by opening a terminal, setting the appropriate WINEPREFIX and WINEARCH to win32, changing the directory to where the game is installed and run wine cataclysm.exe /sw /disableAVI. Go to options and video. Set all your desired video settings now, like highest details and maximum texture detail, etc, but NOT the resolution. Leave that. Now exit the game.
Homeworld Cataclysm No CD Crackl
Now close regedit, we're ready to run the game. Make sure you have a terminal open and all the appropriate WINEPREFIX and WINEARCH environment variables set. Go to where your game is installed (apparently the game doesn't like if you don't run it from its install directory). Run the game with wine cataclysm.exe /disableAVI /noglddraw /noswddraw /device gl 2ff7e9595c